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  • Miranda Hadley

Peeling Back Pride

The truth of pride hides in the deepest caverns of our lives. Places so dangerous that if we wandered in, who we thought we were would be revealed as a lie and the truth of who pride is would be revealed. See, you thought him to be a wise, well educated, thoughtful, benevolent, hip and cool mentor. Turns out when exposed to the light of truth he is nothing but a backstabbing thief. He led you to believe you were friends, but he knew that every bit of advice he offered you was a lie and would lead to your souls eternal death. When pride is exposed to the light of truth you can see him standing there with a knife stained with your blood because pride requires you to pay dearly for your own sins. And he stands there holding a hobo stick over his shoulder with all those beautiful attributes that God gave you and that he has stolen from you; love, joy, peace, humility, purity, nobility of character, because see whenever God offered you those gifts, pride diverted your attention to a counterfeit gift and you fell for the lie and while you were busy living in denial of the truth that you needed, he was busy stealing all those beautiful gifts from you and stabbing you in the back all the while you thought he was your friend and had your best interests in mind.

When we choose to bring our pride into the presence of All Truth, our Creator, and offer it as a sacrifice we are now set free from the constant cycle of ‘I must have more and I must do more in order to be more’. Pride led us to think that having more and doing more made us more. But it does’t. The only ‘more’ we need is the more that God has to offer us. And when we strip our life down to the barest essentials, the only thing we need more of is God Himself. Because He has everything that we need. Why would we cover ourselves with the filthy rags the devil has to offer us when we can wear the robe of righteousness God created us to wear.

See so many times we clothe ourselves in the rich robes of pride little realizing that the simple robe of humility serves us far better than pride. See while pride looks well made to us one small puff of criticism from someone and our robe of pride shrinks around us squeezing so tightly it hurts and we lash out in anger with words to prove we really are better than they are. And the robe of pride may only be worn in the presence of those who are equal to our status or have greater status than we do…the robe of pride can not allow us to be friends with or associate with those of a lesser status. And the wearing of the robe of pride also causes us to do more and be more in order to have more. The plain robe of humility however is a far more comfortable and versatile. It never wears out or becomes uncomfortably tight during criticism. And it can be worn anywhere from the audience with a king to those of the lowest earthly status and we will always be appropriately dressed. We serve a humble God…should we not eagerly accept His wisdom in what He created us to wear?

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