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  • Miranda Hadley

Who Loves You Baby!

Matthew 3:17

“And suddenly a voice came from heaven saying, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”

So many times we think we need more self care, more self confidence, more patience, more whatever it is we are trying to achieve in life. More of whoever we are trying to create ourselves to be. In reality when we finally just accept that we are children of God and here on this earth to do His will and not our own. What freedom….we have not signed ourselves up for a boring, ineffective life I can tell you that!

Think about it for a minute. In your entire life, what things have had more impact on you than solid relationships. When we are secure in a relationship, we know for sure that someone really loves us, it can change everything! How we feel, how we act, how we think all gets transformed—what peace, and what strength is ours. We see life from a whole new perspective. It’s like living in a whole new land we didn’t even know existed because we were so busy focused on self and what we think we should be doing and getting and being.

Real living, real getting and real being is simply acknowledging who we are and who our Father is and then living like we believe it! And that is done only by the power of God in our lives.

I saw a quote this week by Helen Keller, she said, Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. And I said…that is absolutely right because we walk by faith and not by sight. What a daring adventure it is to walk by faith on all the adventures God has for us that we didn’t even know existed until we walked into the land that He has created for those who know in their hearts who they are and who their Father is.

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